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Etusivu / Palvelut / Koulutus ja työllisyys / Career guidance

Career counselling

Are you seeking clarity in your work or study situation?

Do you need someone to talk to? Is your goal to improve your position in the job market? Do you recognize the kind of skills and strengths you possess? Do you need help in finding motivation? Welcome to Kalliola’s education and employment services’ career guidance! The service is open to everyone and free of charge.

What is career counselling?

NB. We are currently unable to take on new clients. You are welcome to join us in Career Corner. In career counselling, we provide you with individualized support for everyday life, learning, and job search. We help you set clear goals and offer practical advice. Career counselling assists you in planning your education or career path regardless of your background.

Kalliola’s career guidance is a good option when you need a conversation partner or guidance in areas such as:

  • Education and study skills
  • Life situations and personal strengths
  • Job search and skills identification

During guidance, we take into account your interests, skills, education, and previous work experience.

The service is open to everyone and free of charge.

Contact us by filling in the form below or directly by getting in touch with our counsellors (including WhatsApp).

We will contact you by phone within two working days.

Sign up for career guidance

If you would like more information about our services, please email us at ohjaus@kalliola.fi. Let’s build a suitable solution together.

Career counsellors

Ohjaaja Marjan kasvokuva, vaaleahiuksinen nainen, jolla on mustat silmälasit


Phone: 050 475 2200 (also WhatsApp)

  • Skills recognition and development
  • Planning your career path
  • Applying for education
  • Study techniques and learning environments
  • Motivation, time management, stress management
  • available in Finnish and in English


p. 050 5663036 (also WhatsApp)

  • Job search
  • Skills recognition
  • Planning your career path
  • Motivation, time management, stress management
  • Available in Finnish and English